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Moreover, as Herman Laroche would later recall, Mozart was for Tchaikovsky "the ideal musician and artist in all aspects" - in particular, he admired Mozart for his spontaneous creativity, which did not, however, exclude a professional attitude to work and allowed Mozart to write a lot of his music to commission, as Tchaikovsky also did. In his music review articles during the 1870s, Tchaikovsky shared with readers his admiration for many works by Mozart, but the one which he invariably dwelt on most enthusiastically was Don Giovanni, "the greatest of all operas". He gave the first impulse to my musical powers and made me love music more than anything else in the world". Through this music I entered that world of artistic beauty inhabited only by the greatest geniuses It is to Mozart that I am obliged for the fact that I have dedicated my life to music. It awoke a holy enthusiasm in me which would later bear fruit. As he later confessed to Nadezhda von Meck in a letter from 1878 (quoted in more detail below): "The music of Don Giovanni was the first music which produced a tremendous impression on me. This "revelation" of the music of Don Giovanni on the threshold of adulthood was a crucial factor in his decision a few years later to leave behind him the security of a career in the civil service and to aspire to become a composer. During several weeks I did nothing but play this opera through from the piano score even as I fell asleep I could not part with this divine music, which pursued me long into my happy dreams Amongst the great masters, Mozart is the one to whom I feel most attracted it has been so ever since that day and it will always be like that". It is impossible for me to describe the enthusiasm, the delight and intoxication which I was seized by. As he recalled in this Autobiography: "It was a pure revelation to me. It was then that at the age of 16 or 17 he happened to attend a performance of Don Giovanni almost by chance.

However, as Tchaikovsky himself admitted in his brief Autobiography (1889), there was a period in his early adolescence when his enthusiasm for Italian bel canto opera, combined with his lack of exposure to the classical canon of German music, had made him suspicious even of Mozart. Listening to Mozart's music awakened in him a "passionate worship for that genius" which lasted all his life, as his brother Modest observed in his biography of the composer.

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Little Pyotr was so fascinated by the latter melody, even coming from a 'lifeless' mechanical instrument, that his mother showed him how to play it on the piano. This adoration of Mozart had its origins in Tchaikovsky's childhood, for when he was not yet five he was moved to tears when he heard the orchestrion that his father had brought from Saint Petersburg play excerpts from Don Giovanni, especially Zerlina's aria "Vedrai, carino".